My favorite game when I was growing up was definitely Chrono Trigger. Lucca, an inventor of sorts, and Robo, a robot from the dystopian future, were awesome characters with meaningful interactions that have left a lasting impression on me throughout the years. It wasn’t until college that I starting drawing robots and human characters juxtaposed together in my sketchbooks. There’s something about cool machinery matching the aesthetics of a fashionable person that I find fascinating. Early on in my career, I started fleshing out a world with this theme and even gave the project a name - Robot Quest.
Robot Quest is set in the near future world of Rivet where robots live in harmony with humans.
Everybody has at least some knowledge of how to build robots for every day life. Robot Technicians use a wide variety of tools and materials to modify their bots to specific needs.
Choose from a variety of robots to start your journey. Each bot has its own strategic advantages, so pick wisely!
Build the perfect robot with a variety of abilities, mods, and upgrades.
Rivet is a metropolitan area made up of several unique districts with their own cultural flavor. It rains quite a bit here, perhaps it’s the reason why people stay indoors and work on their robots. . .
Amber consists of mostly modest homes and a small park. Unmowed yards are abundant and old spare parts are strewn about. The people here are friendly and not too ambitious, as Amber represents a place for those who want to get away from the city.
Club: Tamitronics
Amber has a newly formed club called Tamitronics, led by the one and only Mr. Tami.
Cobalt is an industrial area full of warehouses and factories. Scrap parts are plentiful in this area as the warehouses are constantly throwing out things to the Junkyard.
Club: Sabertech
Sabertech’s club leader is Rolf. They cobble together modifications from parts found in the Junkyard.
Carmine is the rustic old town district of Rivet. People here pride themselves on making beautiful robots and wearing trendy clothes.
Club: Ferrucci
Ferucci’s club leader is Matilda. They love making sleek-looking bots to go with their elite fashion sense.